
[플러터/Flutter] Phone, Tablet, Desktop 코드로 구분하기

알통몬_ 2023. 6. 22. 11:43

방법 1.

class FormFactor {
  static double desktop = 900;
  static double tablet = 600;
  static double handset = 300;
ScreenType getFormFactor(BuildContext context) {
  // Use .shortestSide to detect device type regardless of orientation
  double deviceWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.shortestSide;
  if (deviceWidth > FormFactor.desktop) return ScreenType.Desktop;
  if (deviceWidth > FormFactor.tablet) return ScreenType.Tablet;
  if (deviceWidth > FormFactor.handset) return ScreenType.Handset;
  return ScreenType.Watch;

방법 2.

enum ScreenSize { Small, Normal, Large, ExtraLarge }

ScreenSize getSize(BuildContext context) {
  double deviceWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.shortestSide;
  if (deviceWidth > 900) return ScreenSize.ExtraLarge;
  if (deviceWidth > 600) return ScreenSize.Large;
  if (deviceWidth > 300) return ScreenSize.Normal;
  return ScreenSize.Small;

